Page 6 - NECHA News - Fall 2014
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Congratulations to this year’s ACHA Award Recipients!
 ACHA Fellow:
Gerri Taylor, MS, ANP-BC (Bentley University)
 ACHA Lifetime Achievement Award
Chad Henderson, MBA, FACHA (University of Rhode Island)
 E. Dean Lovett Award:
Paula Jessen, RN-BC, MPA (University of Connecticut)
 Affiliate New Professional Award:
Haley McCarthy, MPH, CHES (Yale University)
 Best Professional Research Poster:
Fatigue & Energy Balance in Female Collegiate Endurance Athletes Christopher Nasin, MD, CAQ (University of Rhode Island)
Paula Jessen, RN-BC, MPA Haley McCarthy, MPH, CHES
Gerri Taylor, MS, ANP-BC
Chad Henderson, MBA, FACHA
NECHA’s Annual Meetings would not be possible without the continued support of our exhibitors and sponsors. We salute the following companies and organizations. Be sure to visit them all when we gather this fall!
 AfaxysPharmaceuticals
 Baystate Reference Laboratories
 Cambridge Eating Disorder Center
 Christie Student Health Plans
 Collegiate Insurance Resources
 Consolidated Health Plans
 Cross Insurance Agency, Inc.
 eClinicalWorks
 Future Health
 GallagherKoster
 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
 Medicat, LLC
 MonteNido
 NationalNetworkofLibrariesof
 Novartis
 NueMD
 Pharmedix
 Point and Click Solutions, Inc.
 PyraMED Health Systems
 RogersMemorialHospital
 Timberline Knolls Residential
Treatment Center
Current listing of supporters as of August 28
Current ACHA individual members - get out the VOTE
for the 2013-14 NECHA Election! Online voting is open October 1 – 20
Electronic voting allows ACHA members to vote even if they cannot attend the Meeting - and is so easy to do! The NECHA Executive Board of Directors consists of five officers: President,
Past-President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Board also consists of five Members-at-Large, plus liaisons to ACHA (Region V Representative and Representative to the Nominating Committee). Generally an officer is selected for nomination following service as a Member-at-Large. Once elected as President-Elect, the person in that position assumes the role of President the following year.
Election results will be announced during the Business Meeting at the upcoming Annual Meeting.
Your ACHA membership # is required to vote. If you do not vote online prior to the Meeting, you may do so at the Combined Meeting prior to the NECHA Business Meeting on Friday, October 31.

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