Page 5 - NECHA News - Fall 2014
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Catherine M. Kelleher, RN
Membership in NECHA
Many college health professionals in the New England area consider themselves part of NECHA. They come to our annual meeting regularly and enjoy the benefits of networking with local colleagues. But many, however, are not actually members of NECHA.
The only way to become an official NECHA member is to join the American College Health Association (ACHA). ACHA members are automatically enrolled as members in their local affiliate. A portion of their ACHA dues are transferred on to the affiliate. By joining ACHA, you are directly supporting NECHA — and we need your support.
As a NECHA member, you help support the develop- ment of our annual meetings — an amazingly complex task, particularly given the ever-proliferating regulations and requirements around the granting of continuing edu- cation credits. You support our quarterly newsletter, and you help our volunteer leaders get together to plan.
As a NECHA member, you are eligible to vote in our elections. You can serve on our Board of Directors. You are eligible to receive our awards and grants. In short, you can have a voice in how our organization serves you.
Many colleges and universities have an “institutional” ACHA membership. The institutional membership brings with it some benefits for the institution, and pro- vides one free regular individual membership for a given year. Just because your institution has an ACHA mem- bership, does not mean you do. Your director, senior cli- nician, or colleague may be named under the institutional membership.
Regular Individual Membership is just $165 per year. If you are a supervisor, consider giving deserving em- ployees an individual membership as a gesture of appre- ciation and recognition. Our raises are often small in col- lege health, but there are other ways of recognizing high performing individuals: more CME time, a chance to go NECHA Annual Meetings, and an individual ACHA membership.
You get a lot of bang for your buck when you support NECHA!
Thank you, from your Board of Directors.
Margaret Higham MD
Medical Director,
Tufts University Health Service
We’re pleased to introduce to you, Kathy Kelleher—a new member of the 2013-14 NECHA Board .
To get to know Kathy, read on ~
My name is Kathy Kelleher and I am the Director of Health Services at Providence College. I began my nursing career as a
med/surg nurse at Our Lady of Fatima Hospital in North Providence, Rhode Island. It was there that a co-worker, knowing that I was a huge Friar fan, asked if I could help out at Providence College as a part-time night staff nurse. That was 40 years ago (September 1974) and I have never looked back.
During my first eight years, I thoroughly enjoyed working part- time during the evening in the Student Health Center while maintaining my full time day position at the hospital. In 1982, I transitioned to a full-time college health employee at PC and in 1988, became the Director of Health Services.
I feel privileged to have served the students, faculty and staff at the college for the past 40 years. I value the Catholic tradition and sense of “family” that exists at Providence College. One of the blessings we receive working in college health is the opportunity to make lasting affects and build lifetime relationships with many of our students and their families.
After a hectic day at work, I enjoy retreating to my home in Narragansett. I love going for long walks by the water and absorbing the many attributes that the Ocean State has to offer. My most valued time is spent with my two children and most especially, with my two beautiful granddaughters, ages three and six. I marvel at the little things that bring them great joy!
I have always enjoyed attending NECHA’s Annual Meetings, getting to meet new people, and staying abreast of the most current trends in college health. I have truly been amazed at the talent and tireless energy of our Administrative Director, Julie Basol, and felt that by becoming involved with the Board, not only would I be afforded the opportunities for leadership and personal growth, but it is my chance to give back and support the people in the association that I so often looked to for guidance. Meeting new people and assisting with the behind the scenes duties of a major conference is an added bonus for this year.
My hope is that after you read this newsletter, if you haven’t already registered for NECHA 2014 at the beautiful Wentworth by the Sea, you will do so immediately. I look forward to seeing you October 29-31 in New Castle, New Hampshire!
Wishing everyone a very happy, healthy and productive year as you start the Fall 2014 semester. Feel free to contact me anytime at 401 865-2423 or [email protected].
Deadline for the next issue is January 2. Submissions cheerfully accepted. Contact Julie Basol: [email protected]

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