Page 8 - NECHA News - Fall 2014
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NewEnglandCollegeHealth-L is, devoted to the specific issues of New England College Health Schools and was developed in response to the growing needs expressed by ACHA members of the New England affiliate.
To join the listserv, please send an email to [email protected] and in the subject line type:
subscribe New England College Health-L
In the body please write your name and contact information.
The listserv is hosted by the University of Connecticut (UConn) and the views represented on the listserv are not a part of or representative of those of the American College Health Associa- tion or UConn.
The listserv is moderated and moni- tored. If there are any perceived inci- dences of inappropriate messaging, I will contact the individuals involved about the appropriate use of the listserv.
The NECHA listserv is not an official communication channel of the ACHA. No participant is authorized to speak corporately for, or on behalf of ACHA or the University of Connecticut, in this forum. It is expected that all members of the community will use this resource in a responsible and ethical manner.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me; I encour- age you to sign up today!
Joleen Nevers, MAEd, CHES, AASECT
[email protected]
News from the
Maine Tobacco Free
College Network
Maine’s colleges and universities are implementing tobacco-free policies at a rapid pace with assistance and resource from the Maine Tobacco Free College Network (MTFCN). The MTFCN is dedicated to providing Maine institutions of higher learning with the information and resources needed to make campuses smoke- and/or tobacco-free and have seen great progress in the past few years. In 2006, Maine had only one tobacco-free campus and by this fall, 13 colleges/ universities will be protecting all students and faculty from secondhand smoke by implementing tobacco-free campus policies (see map).
One of the most recent colleges to pass a tobacco-free campus policy, the University of New England (UNE), went into effect July 1, 2014. UNE students led the drive to become a 100% tobacco-free campus. Undergraduate and graduate student governments on both campuses engaged in vibrant and interactive discussion with the entire university community, including administering a student poll that reinforced support of such a policy. Student leaders from every campus endorse UNE's new tobacco-free policy,
reflecting their commitment to this important initiative.
The MTFCN offers free one-on-one technical
assistance with tobacco policy as tools,
resources as well as other types of assistance for
colleges and universities in Maine. You can also
find tools and free resources at: or by calling 207-874-8774.
Massachusetts Department of Public Health Addresses
EVD for College Campuses
On August 20, Gerri Taylor (Bentley) organized a conference call for Massachusetts colleges and universities addressing the recent outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease. Larry Madoff from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and Anita Barry from the Boston Public Health
Commission provided current information and guidance to those who participated in the call.
The Massachusetts DPH and the Boston Public Health Commission have issued guidance and information for colleges and uni- versities on each of their websites: and The websites will be updated as possible changes in recommendations occur.
For specific questions, contact Andrew Solomon at the Boston Public Health Commission at 617-534-5611; outside the city of Boston, contact the Massachusetts Department of Public Health at 617-983-6800.
If you wish to receive emails in the future from the Massachusetts DPH and did not receive the notification about the conference call – email Gerri at: [email protected] [click here for a full report on the conference call]

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