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are especially encouraged.
Two NECHA Grant Recipients Awarded in 2014
 Congratulations to Kim Daly, SHS Associate Director
at Salem State University in Salem, Massachusetts
Spread Love not Warts: An HPV Vaccination Program
 Congratulations to John Wong, NP, Associate Medical Director at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts.
Ready to Quit! Marketing Campaign:
Using Student Ambassadors to Encourage More Students on Campus to Stop Smoking
Kudos to Kim and John for their outstanding grant proposals to further the field of college health and improve the health of their students. We thank all of our colleagues who submitted proposals
this year for their dedication to college health.
The NECHA Grant was awarded to two institutions - Framingham State College and Providence College - were awarded grants
in 2013. Their work will be presented at the NECHA 2014 Annual Meeting: Making Waves in College Health.
The 2014 NECHA Grant recipients will present their work at the NYSCHA/NECHA 2015 Combined Annual Meeting.
Established in 2004, the NECHA grant has assisted schools seeking to improve the quality and delivery of student health services as well as promote innovative health programming within New England's college health community. Grant
projects are funded at levels up to $2500. The total number and size of awards
will be based on merit, need, and the number of proposals received. Projects that involve student participation and a multi-disciplined/multi-departmental approach to shared concerns
NECHA 2014 AWARDS Recipients
Each year, NECHA is pleased to award the Louise Gazzara Award and the President’s Award. Nominated by their colleagues, these awards recognize college health professionals, who have made significant contributions to the students they serve as well as their institution, community, and the field of college health.
Award recognition will take place at the Wednesday evening, October 29 at the NECHA 2014 Evening Soirée.
 NECHA President’s Award - Cheryl S. Flynn, MD, MS, MA
The 2014 NECHA President’s Award recipient is Dr. Cheryl Flynn, Medical Director at The University of Vermont. To quote from one of her nomination letters, “She embodies the highest standards for what college health stands for. She has, no doubt, touched many other students as well through her dedication to high quality care. I have often believed that a good college health center provides “concierge care” in a “medical home” and has done so well ahead of the medical community outside college health. Dr. Flynn exemplifies that concept and is a role model for us all.”
 Louise Gazzara Award - Geraldine “Gerri” Taylor, MS, ANP-BC
The 2014 NECHA Louise Gazzara Award recipient is Gerri Taylor. The Director of Student Health Services at Bentley
University and Assistant Dean for Health & Prevention, her accomplishments go far beyond her campus. To quote one small part of a nomination letter, “...locally and nationally Gerri works tirelessly for NECHA, ACHA, and CHAND. She does this because she truly believes in contributing to the field of college health and she is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of college students. She consistently looks for opportunities to work with her colleagues and takes on tasks with enthusiasm and commitment. Her contributions have improved the health and wellbeing of the students at Bentley and students across the country.”
Nomination forms for Awards & Application for the NECHA 2015 Grant and further details
are available at: Submissions will be accepted after November 1.

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